Transformational coaching.
Because nothing changes if nothing changes.
What is coaching?
It’s a chance to take stock, catch your breath and focus on where you’re heading. Coaching will help you understand yourself better and find ways forward where you may have been stuck without choices. Coaching helps clients find the courage to make changes and supports them to get the results they want, professionally or personally. And through the process they find clarity of purpose.
What’s the difference between coaching, consulting and therapy?
There are in fact, shared elements across consulting, coaching and therapy. Similarly to therapy we explore your experience, ask powerful questions and explore difficult issues. However, we look at the future and focus on taking action to help you reach your goals and live a more fulfilled life. Unlike consulting, where they give you the answers, we don’t. We help you find them using various tools and techniques. That way it’s more profound and long lasting.
The power of coaching is proven in science.
As neuroplasticity expert Norman Doidge points out, there is substantial evidence we can “rewire our brains with our thoughts.” But because the default in our brain is to go with the pathways that are already developed, it is difficult to change without focused, supported, intentional effort. A 2010 fMRI study at Case Western Reserve University found that when subjects spent 30 minutes talking about their desired personal vision, the parts of their brain “associated with cognitive, perceptual, and emotional openness and better functioning” were activated. Co-Active coaching brings this sort of focus and support, making it possible to literally help a client’s brain rewire itself for greater effectiveness.